Loan agreement extension template
Loan agreement extension template

loan agreement extension template

  • The borrower must not pay any dividends to common shareholders without the express written consent of the lender.
  • The borrower must provide an aged accounts receivable listing and a compliance certificate monthly.
  • Non-standard loan covenants are typical with commercial lending since business operations and financial results are more complex than personal lending. Non-standard loan covenants are designed based on particular characteristics or risks related to a credit request or a borrower. (meaning a borrower cannot sell the car for which they took out a vehicle loan without repaying it in full, as that vehicle is collateral security).
  • The borrower may not sell any physical assets underpinning the credit exposure without repaying the credit in full.
  • loan agreement extension template

    The borrower must make principal + interest payments when due.Standard loan covenants outline circumstances or behaviors that are often taken for granted but must still be stipulated in a credit agreement for the legal enforceability of the contract. Standard loan covenants are generally outlined in a boilerplate format, meaning they’re standard for all borrowers. Loan covenants may be categorized in a variety of ways. A loan covenant violation is also known as a covenant breach, a form of technical default.Loan covenants can be a powerful tool to help align incentives between a lender and a borrower or to mitigate transaction (or borrower)-specific risks that may otherwise be unavoidable.Loan covenants are circumstances or behaviors that a borrower must (or must not) engage in, and they are expressly documented in the credit agreement or loan contract.

    Loan agreement extension template